Welcome to Talking Time Counselling

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't.”

― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

My name is Beth, and I provide online and in-person counselling for individuals and couples who are seeking to understand and navigate the challenges they are facing.

I am a BACP registered counsellor, offering a safe, comfortable, and non-judgmental space where you can be listened to and heard. This will help you make sense of your problems and find a positive way to move forward in your life.Read more about me.

When faced with challenges, reaching out for support through counselling may not be the first thing that comes to mind. It can be daunting to share personal thoughts and experiences, but this is completely normal. However, there's no need to worry.


When we work together, you won't be asked to share anything you're uncomfortable with. We will move at a pace that is right for you, forming a relationship built on trust, empathy, and compassion. Over time, you'll feel more comfortable sharing your experiences.

As your counsellor, I'm here to help you understand yourself better, not to tell you what to do or think. I listen with empathy and help you gain a fresh perspective on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, so you can reconcile your issues or learn to cope with them.


I assist individuals with a wide range of challenges, including depression, anxiety, trauma, relationships, stress, and grief.

For more information about how person centred counselling can help, see my ‘Issues I Work With’ section.

Couples Counselling

All close relationships experience both highs and lows. Various pressures, including family, finances, children, and work, can cause couples to struggle and face challenging times.

What is couples counselling?

Couples counselling focuses on developing new ways to communicate and reconnect, aiming to create a happier and healthier relationship. It provides a safe, non-judgmental space to address difficulties and reflect on relationship patterns. To read more about Couples Counselling click here.

What issues can I help with?

I have experience in supporting clients with a range of issues, taking care to build a strong relationship with clients where you feel comfortable and confident enough to explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, childhood trauma, abuse, stress, bereavement/loss, relationship problems, online person centred counselling provides the space for you to explore your issues fully so that you can achieve your goals.


Do you constantly feel uneasy, worried or afraid? Anxiety can be mild or severe, and it can also be the symptom of other issues. Either way, if you are suffering with anxiety it can have a huge impact on your daily life and your wellbeing. Through counselling, we can explore the root cause of your anxiety and find ways to control the feelings of worry and find better ways to express your unconscious feelings.


When you are suffering from depression, it can often feel that there is no way out, that your feelings will never improve. Depression can be an ongoing feeling or it can be triggered by a life-changing event or experiences from your past. Through counselling, we can explore the causes of your depression and together we can help you find ways to unpick those feelings and replace your negative thoughts with feelings of compassion and positivity.


There are many different forms of abuse, such as emotional abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse or bullying. Abuse has a huge impact on your self worth, your health and wellbeing, and can make it difficult to maintain healthy relationships and achieve your potential in life. Through counselling, you can begin to understand your emotions better, accept and come to terms with them, and escape the cycle of powerlessness you may be feeling.


Any kind of trauma, whether that’s trauma from a recent event or from childhood experiences can have a profound impact on your health and wellbeing. It can leave you with feelings of anger, shame, guilt and powerlessness to a point where you feel you have no control over your thoughts and emotions. Through counselling, we can explore your feelings in depth, helping you to come to terms with the abuse, and providing you with ways of replacing those negative feelings with more positive, compassionate thoughts.


Bereavement and loss are a part of life. We all suffer with these feelings when we lose someone or something. But when those feelings don’t fade after a few weeks, and you struggle to continue with normal life, then counselling can offer you a way to understand your loss better. Through counselling, we will help you find ways to understand, accept and move past your feelings, integrating your loss into your life in a more positive way. These are just a few of the issues that I can help with.

If you would like more information about how online person-centred counselling can help you, please get in touch.

Fees & availability

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation is free. It lasts about 20 minutes and takes place online, via Zoom, or on a phone call.

Counselling Sessions

Online (individual counselling)

Sessions take place via the Zoom video platform. This way you have more flexibility of time: booking the session around your busy schedule. It also means that you can access the session from the comfort of your own home, without needing to arrange any travel.

In-person (individual and couples counselling)

Sessions take place at:

The Therapy Rooms

Pew Hill House

Pew Hill


SN15 1DN

Sessions are 50 minutes and cost £45 (online) and £50 (in-person and per couple).

Cancellation Policy

Please ensure you give at least 48 hours’ notice if you need to cancel a session to avoid being charged for the session.


I am available for us to work together during normal office hours (Mon-Fri, 9am – 6pm). Please contact me if you would like to arrange any sessions outside of these hours.

Working With Me

Before we can start working together, we will have a free initial consultation. This gives you the opportunity to share the issues that are troubling you, and for me to gather as much information as possible so that we can decide if and how we are going to work together. This will take place online, via Zoom, or a phone call and will take approximately 20 minutes.

This is also the ideal opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about counselling and what it entails, so you have clear expectations of how it can help you and feel comfortable enough to move forward.

Sessions take place online (through Zoom) or in-person and last 50 minutes. I am available for short-term or long-term counseling, depending on your individual needs and what you want to achieve through counseling.

I usually meet with clients weekly or fortnightly, but please contact me if you have any other requirements.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call me on 07538240025 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

Some frequently asked questions

How long will I need counselling for?

This depends completely on you, your unique experiences and the issues that you are struggling with. If you are facing a current issue that you need help with, counselling may only be needed in the short term. However, if the issues that you are currently facing have deep roots in past experiences, it will take more time to explore those in more depth before you can understand them better.

Are the sessions confidential?

Yes. All counsellors and therapists follow a code of practice which states that everything you share in a session is confidential.

How often should I see my counsellor?

Most therapists and counsellors like to see clients on a weekly basis as this enables them to make the most progress when working together. It is not recommended to see a counsellor more frequently, as it takes time to make sense of the ideas explored in a session. However, you can see your counsellor once a fortnight or every three weeks if necessary. Please talk to your counsellor about what they recommend.

I find it difficult talking about some things. Will this be a problem?

Many people feel that they will clam up if they arrange to see a counsellor. This is a normal reaction. However, this is rarely the case as your counsellor is trained to help you feel comfortable enough to share your struggles and skilled at asking the questions that will help you open up.

What will happen in the sessions? I am a bit nervous.

After your initial consultation, your sessions will offer you a safe, non-judgemental and compassionate space to share your struggles. The session will be led by you, so you will have control over what you talk about and how much you want to share. At the beginning of a counsellor – client relationship, the counsellor will take the time to build a strong relationship with you so you feel comfortable talking about your difficulties.

©2024 Beth Stubbs